Modern Slavery Statement

  1. Structure, business and supply chain

Pavilion Rattan Ltd. (pr home) is a small wholesale company trading in indoor and outdoor
furniture, lighting and accessories, incorporating the pr home brand.
We are serious about our brand because it’s part of our identity and so is our commitment to
corporate social responsibility. We believe transparency is the best way we can ensure the
public that we are doing our best as an ethical corporate citizen. In that spirit, we have published
our annual statement for slavery and human trafficking, made in compliance with section 54 of
the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement is intended to fulfil the legal requirement for a
slavery and human trafficking statement as relevant.
Pavilion Rattan Ltd. is headquartered in Cuckney, Nottinghamshire, UK and sells its products
throughout the UK and parts of Europe. Our product range makes use of the highest quality
hardwood, synthetic weaves, powder coated aluminium and stainless steel, the majority of which
are sourced from Indonesia, as well as China. Our upholstered furniture is made on site by our
own team of upholsterers, the frames for these are largely sourced from the UK. We have 11
employees within our organization, in addition to other workers who are engaged through our
supply chain.
We do not employ temporary/agency workers, or use zero hours contracts.
Our key suppliers are also SME’s with the principles being hands on and involved with the
running of the company. We have worked with the same key suppliers for over ten years.

  1. Due Diligence Procedures

We understand that our biggest exposure to Modern Slavery is in our product supply chains,
where activity has been undertaken to minimise the risk of Modern Slavery. Within these areas,
new suppliers and factories/sites are subject to due diligence checks in the form of
ethical/compliance audits. Such audits are also regularly conducted for existing suppliers and
factories/sites. If issues are identified, appropriate investigative and remedial actions will be
We have worked with our main suppliers for a number of years and the working relationships are
based on a large degree of trust between both parties. This is strengthened with annual or
bi-annual visits (under normal circumstances) to ensure compliance with good working and
ethical practices.

  1. Purchasing Practices

Our procurement team is very small, consisting of three people, two of which are directors. The
team is very experienced in dealing with suppliers and ethical considerations are a high priority
when making procurement decisions. Any new issue in terms of procurement will be investigated
by the staff responsible.

Our procurement team is very small, consisting of three people, two of which are directors. The
team is very experienced in dealing with suppliers and ethical considerations are a high priority
when making procurement decisions. Any new issue in terms of procurement will be investigated
by the staff responsible.